Steemit open mic Week 70 "No Damn Good" Original Song

Hi steemians, I know this entry is really very late, I'm sorry.

I don't want to bore you with my shitty woes, but it's been a particularly tough time as I'm literally going through a break up with a long term girlfriend at this present time. This is the reason I didn't make last weeks open mic and the reason for being so late this week.


"No Damn Good" This is my own original song.

Please don't be put off by the title, hopefully you'll find the song is better than the name might suggest.

Well you say that I'm trouble
And I ain't no good
And I don't bring no money home
To pay for any food
You tell me that you're leaving
Cos I'm no damn good babe

You say you don't like my drinking
Or the way I carry on
You work your fingers to the bone
Never having any fun
You tell me that you're leaving
Cos I'm no damn good babe

Leavin', leavin', I wish you would
Cos you keep on telling me that I ain't no good
Leavin', leavin', I wish you would
Cos then you'll stop telling me that I ain't no good

You say your mammy and pappy warned you
That you're making a mistake
They said I might look good
But I'm just aanother fake
You told me that they told you
That I ain't no good babe

You say you're gonna board a train
And make good your escape
You'll be gone by the morning yeah
Before I'm awake
You tell me that you're leaving
Cos I'm no damn good babe

Leavin', leavin', I wish you would
Cos you keep on telling me that I ain't no good
Leavin', leavin', I wish you would
Cos then you'll stop telling me that I ain't no good

I've had enough of your nagging
And your moaning ways
I've had it up to here
With all you've got to say
Yeah, well go ahead and leave me
Believe me you're no damn good babe

I said, go ahead and leave me
Believe me you're no damn good babe

I said, go ahead and leave me
Believe me you're no damn good babe

I said, go ahead and leave me
Believe me you're no damn good babe

I'd like to say a huge thanks to @luzcypher and his amazing team of helpers, judges and very generous supporters. You cats really are so cool putting this great show on and giving us all a chance air our music, oh shit and let's not forget, we can earn some too! (Y)

Once again sorry for being so late, thanks for listening.

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