Hey guys ?

  • I read al-quran sura al-baqarah, this sura has verse 286 verse and which I read only 1-18 verses.

sura al-baqarahini contains in the sense, with the name of all-loving god the most merciful.

  1. Alif lam mim .
    2.kitab (al-quran) is no doubt to him, the guidance for those who cautious .
    3.yaitu those who believe in the unseen, perform the prayer, and give charity some of the provision that we give them.
    4.dan those who believe in (al-quran) sent down to you (muhammad) and the books revealed before you, and they are convinced of the hereafter.
    5.Those who are guided by their gods and those are the ones who are fortunate .
  2. Truly the disbelievers are the same to them, you give warning or warn not they will not believe.
  3. Allah has locked their hearts and hearing, and their visions are closed. And for them a very severe punishment.
  4. Among humans there are those who say: "We believe in Allah and the Last Day," in which they are actually not believers.
    9 .They will deceive Allah and those who believers, when they only deceive themselves while they are not aware.
  5. In their hearts there is disease, and added God the disease; and for them a painful punishment, for they lie.
  6. And when it is said to them: "Thou shalt not corrupt the earth". They said: "We are the ones who make improvements."
  7. Remember, they are indeed the ones who make mischief, but they are not conscious.
  8. When it is said to them: "Believe you as others have believed". They replied: "Will we believe as those fools have believed?" Remember, they are fools; but they do not know.
  9. And when they meet believers they say: "We have believed." And when they return to their shaitan, they say: "We are alone with you, we are mocked."
  10. Allah will (repay) their banter and let them sway in their error.
  11. They are the ones who buy the heresy with guidance, so they are not lucky for their trade and they are not guided.
  12. Their parable is like the one who lights the fire, then after the fire illuminates the surroundings God removes the light (which shines them), and lets them in darkness, can not see.
  13. They are deaf, mute and blind, then they will not return (to the right path),.

Thanks you @luzchper and @pfunk for making this contest.

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