Steemit Open Mic Week 79 - FIRST EVER STEEMIT POST!!! (Original) The Sun & the Moon - Maryse McIver

This is my first entry in Steemit’s Open Mic comp & I’m super excited to become a part of this creative and inspiring community!

This is an original song I wrote after spending nearly 3 years trekking around the world through all the wide open spaces of Australia, through Europe and India seeing so many different cities, places, meeting new friends & getting into love-tangled experiences. The song itself was written after coming back home to Melbourne, when I was contemplating life, love and where to go next. I’d often find myself going to old places in my hometown & feeling somewhat out of place, noticing little things like how much my accent had changed. I guess the song in itself was a space where I was finding forgiveness for myself for not at times, honouring my heart & to not forget about the world around me outside of my internal dialogue.


In this same old City (the Sun & the Moon)

I was waiting here
Just that little bit longer than I,
Thought I would stay before
But change slipped into my life
An uncertainty
Of where the next step may lye
But I lay here now
In this same old city
Trying to forgive myself
For all my wrongs
Strumming away and playing this guitar

The Sun & the Moon come & go so soon
And I find myself forgetting all the magic that surrounds me
Getting lost in my own world
And then I find myself in yours
And I know that
I know that I like it

A bittersweet Love
With all the fears now of a child
And I’m failing to remember what it feels like
To roam wild
But those days have passed me by
Disenchantment makes me cry
Now my world is being rocked out into space
My world is being rocked out into space

The Sun & the Moon come & go so soon
And I find myself forgetting all the magic that surrounds me
Getting lost in my own world
And then I find myself in yours
And I know that
I know that I like it

I feel these stars colliding
I feel myself unwinding
Here in my mind’
Oh we’re planets apart
But I’m still standing wounded
I’m trying to mend my broken heart
Trying to mend my broken heart

The Sun & the Moon come & go so soon
And I find myself forgetting all the magic that surrounds me
Getting lost in my own world
And then I find myself in yours
And I know that
I know that I like it

The Sun & the Moon
Come and go so soon…

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