OpenMic Songwriters Challenge Week # 1 & Steemit Open mic Week # 61 - Broken Mirrors (Original)

I was very curious about how it would work out to write a song on a provided topic like this. But when I got into the flow I realized that this is how I write my songs after all. I hear or read or see something that inspires me and the melody builds itself around the essence of this feeling.

Thanks a lot to @meno & @luzcypher - you guys got me inspired!

I'm afraid I will not be able to be part of the whole challenge, since I will spend a month of it on an island without internet connection. But there are worse things in life I guess. :)

I am grateful for the Inspiration and the motivation to share it with this beautiful community.

Broken mirrors

What if I am not who you think I am
What if you are really that
What if we discover our secret plans
Only when we realize what we reflect

No need to fix those broken mirrors on our ways
They'll keep on haunting us every time we look away
But we'll find beauty in the pieces
When we recognize our face

Look at me I'm not who I think I am
And we are a projection of our minds
It Would be so much easier if we began
To consider ourselves identified

I am busy being who I think you are
'Cos that's just the most easy thing to do
We can chose to turn it into peace or war
Still you are me and I am you
I am you

No need to fix those broken mirrors on our ways
They'll keep on haunting us every time we look away
But we'll find beauty in the pieces
When we recognize our face

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