Openmic Songwriters Challenge Week # 4 - Because we can (Original)

It's I-hope-I-will-make-it-to-bed-before-dawn kind of late again. After a week knocked out by the flu I'm back with a brand new song.
I find it's quite a challenge to record a song right after writing it. So don't mind the thinking pauses. ;)

This weeks topic made me think about all the things we could do. And all the things we should do - because we can.

In German we have the word "Weltschmerz" to describe a state of feeling the whole worlds pain. This song came out of the helplessness and sorrow I sometimes feel when I watch society loose connection to our true nature. We are not separate from what surrounds us - we are a part of it. This is why we have to consider the consequences of our actions, of how we treat our planet and each other. If we stop acting like a parasitic species in our own habitat we could instead live up to our whole potential and feel the connection with each other through air we breath and the ground beneath our feet. Just because we can.

Can't you hear the birds are singing for peace
Can't you feel the connection
through the wind that sways the leaves

Can't you feel the trees are longing for peace
Can you deny the connection
to the oxygen you breath

But if we cut them down
we pull our roots from the ground
and where their branches could grow
our children will never know
'Cos if we build our world
for the price of this earth
then we will die to survive
though we could thrive
We could thrive
Maybe we could thrive

How can we be home
when we act like
we don't know
And how can we go on
when all of
our respect is gone

The mighty river it tries to break free
from the dams we constructed
so our souls can reach the sea

'Cos if we let it flow
it teaches us what we know
we will remember the fact
that we've been taught to forget
And once we've woken up
there'll be no lie that could stop
us from the deed of being alive
'cos we can thrive
We can thrive
Together we can thrive

Can't you sense there is more than we see
Don't you think it is time to
embrace what we can be

what you do is what the whole universe is doing at the place you call 'here and now'. you are something that the whole universe is doing, in the same way that a wave is something the whole ocean is doing. the real you is not a puppet which life pushes around. the real deep down you is the whole universe.
Alan Watts

It's now guys. Time to change the universe.

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