Steemit Open Mic Week 62 - Lost and Found (Original Song)

I was a little distracted from steeming by my round birthday last weekend. Which I celebrated with a lot of friends and family and music and laughter.
It was a night full of gratefulness for all the beautiful people who share the way with me.



When I saw the topic of the Songwriters challenge for the last week was "lost and found" I smiled because I already had written a song with that exact name last year. It was about polarities and how to find myself while I am torn between the poles of life. I wasn't entirely finished, so I rewrote a few sentences and put in a new refrain. But when it was done I somehow felt like I was cheating, just because more than half of the song was already there before we got the challenge.

So I started to write a new one. And I noticed that my association with the topic had suddenly changed. It became a story about love and how we always look for someone to complete ourselves. Usually my songs sometimes change over time until I'm satisfied with it and share it. This one is raw and I would actually not consider it finished by now. Also I was quite sick and my voice was not really intact. But I take this as an challenge for myself to step out of my comfort zone.

He met her at the lost and found
he was looking
for something he once believed in
She cleared her throught
he turned around
She told him
I got some faith I have been keeping
and I'd share with you my all
if you help me find my soul

He taught her how to sing out loud
and she began to see the meaning
While he was drowning in his doubts
she held him tight while he was weeping
He found new reason to believe
In the way she brought him peace

They made a vow
to trade safe ground for the clouds
and to never return
to lost and found

As soon as summer slipped away
he felt a part of him was fading
The longing for a brighter day
they covered underneath the waiting
for that secret hidden piece
so they would finally feel complete

And just when winter came along
it dawned on them they've been mistaken
in spring they dreamt of summer songs
until the fallen leafs did take them
and they had to realize
the source of emptiness inside

They broke their vow
when they finally hit the ground
and they got up
to return
to lost and found


Whats there left to say...
Thank you Steemians for sharing a part of my creative journey with me & for listening and appreciating! What a great community to be a part of!


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