First Songwriter ShopTalk Show Tomorrow Jan 31st Featuring @soundlegion

   Yes, you read that right, tomorrow is the first of many, and tomorrow is extra special because I have convinced @soundlegion to join me on MSP Waves for two whole hours. How did I do it? This trick, I can't reveal of course, its a trade secret.

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Who is @soundlegion you ask?

   If you are part of the #openmic community you know the answer all too well, but just in case you stumbled on to this post, and have seen the name before, yet have never clicked. @soundlegion is none other but a judge of the #openmic competition, a music curator, a tireless songwriter and a negativity eradicator. Being her last quality my favorite.

   I'm so looking forward to this conversation, and we intend to write a script only to throw it in the trash, because that is how we do around here, and I'm confident that we will never run out of subjects and music to share.

What kind of music is on her internets?

   In short, all kinds, Bonnie aka @soundlegion does folk rock, rock, edm, I've even heard some country sounding tracks from her in my 5 month tenure on this platform, and I've been a fan almost since day one. She is probably the busiest musician in the chain collaborating with absolutely everyone she sees on her path. I'm sure this will also be part of our conversation, and she might even complain for me writing this, but that's OK, i'll take the heat.

So Tomorrow my friends, Tomorrow, or today, depends on when you are reading

   You need to make it a point to join us on MSP Waves and be part of the audience on Our Discord Server MSP/PAL. I promise it's going to be all kinds of fun, and you will get your chance to throw some GIFS at us, ask crazy questions and maybe even share some stories of your own.

   This show marks the beginning of another chapter for original musicians on Steem, and I can't think of someone better to set the stage than Bonnie, she has been here for a little longer than most of us sharing her original music since day one. I won't divulge to much right now, because of reason that are pretty obvious. I expect to see many of you there tomorrow Jan Wednesday 31st at 9pm Eastern Time.

If you are reading this on Thursday

   Don't worry, you failed a little bit, but it does not mean you won't get to listen to our conversation. I will be posting the show on Steem as soon as possible as well. And if you are a songwriter yourself, specially if you participated of the Songwriter's Challenge reach out to me, let me pencil you in as they say in the Biz. I wan't to talk to all of you and then on top of that I want to pay you to talk to me!!!!!

Am I going a little coo coo for cocoa puffs?

   Not really, I'm fully aware that this challenge and this radio show could not have had such an impact on so many lives without the songwriters of Steem being part of it, so this just makes sense to me. All the liquid rewards made from the posts belonging to each interview, go to the interviewee... that simple.

   In other words, get paid to talk about yourself, and show us your music... How sweet is that?

Where do you sign up?

   Very simple my friends, all you have to do is come find me on Discord if I see a message from a name I recognize, a songwriter who I know is part of this community I'm sure to reply in seconds, if not, be patient, but I will reply.

   If you have been keeping track of this blog, of our grow as a community, you might be aware that I've said more than once, that I intend to help us take over the independent songwriting community. I meant, and mean every word in that sentence.

   And it's my hope that this new Show on MSP Waves, gets us that much closer to doing so.

Like an old friend used to say... I'll see you, when you are looking at me riding the waves...

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