Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 6 "Special Delivery" - My top 5 Selection

   This was not an easy theme right? I know, I know, don't kill me. I want to stress the fact that the idea is to challenge ourselves to write outside of our comfort zone, and for what it's worth my dear songwriting Steemians, you guys delivered, big time, I would even say it was a special delivery. (I just ninjaed everyone).

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   We are getting close to the end of the first songwriter's challenge, and at this point in time there are hundreds of original songs on this blockchain thanks to you beautiful Steemians. I think this is something we can all be proud of, I for one can't stop walking around with a big smile on my face.

Without further delays, here is the list:


   I'm so happy that @kayclarity decided to participate of this contest, I've loved every single one of her entries. And to quote @kayclarity this song is sweet and violent in reaching my heart. A few minutes in and I was sold into the sea of emotions. It's a treat to listen to this song once again as I'm writing this post.

Thank you for sharing this with us @kayclarity


   What a beautiful song she wrote us this week, aside from the fact that she is gifted with a beautiful voice that can touch anyone's heart, Carla is quite a prolific songwriter in her own right. This is not the first time I've enjoyed one of Carla's original compositions, and it makes me so happy that @pechichemena finally got her to join the Steem Blockchain.

   This is one of those songs that doesn't need a thing to shine, a shining example of a couple of chords and some truth. Thank you for sharing it with us Carla.


   If I was to say I'm suprised @onetruebrother is on my list again, I would be lying through my teeth (or keys, right?). The simplicity of this song is what makes it special to me, aside from the fact that I connected with the lyrics almost instantly, I felt that inexplicable notion that I've been listening to this song since I was a kid.

   I hope that @onetruebrother records his entries into one EP one day, this man can't seem to write a bad song. They are all fantastic! How does he do it? Is he the songwriting Ninja? He very well could be.

I'm singing along again with these lines...

I was going to go
Give it all away
When you came and showed
That I need to stay
As long as I have you then
There is reason to
To remain

Delivery me
A special delivery
Deliver me
You can deliver me


   Man is @ausxen a musical force to be reckoned with, he made it to my top 5 last week with a fantastic song, and this instead of slowing down he faced the difficult theme head first and came up with such a catchy tune, I've been singing it for days. My neighbors might think I have relationship issues with the Misses, as I'm walking around singing "pack your shit".

What a treat my friends, he wrote a freaking hit!!! I hope he puts this song into an EP one day.


   Not the first time @senzenfrenz makes it to one my top 5 lists. If I had to describe his writing style, its almost like he is a combination of a classical composer, if such composer had been born with a laptop. If that makes sense to someone else but me, then I won't feel so alone in my description.

   Very cool track, I feel like this could be playing at a party at some point in time, and everyone would assume this song was written by a famous EDM artist.

Honorable mentions: @lk666 @cabelindsay @chrisroberts @benettitalia @wilins @anniemcleod @basilmarples

   We have already started week seven my friends, and I can't wait to see/hear what songs my favorite Steemians will come up with, if by any chance you are reading this, and thinking to yourself its too late to participate, let me tell you this is not the case. We have worked out a way so that new participants can actually have a chance at the price, even if they come in the middle of the contest, and we still have some special Golden Microphones to hand out to the participants.

In any case, I'm going to sign off for now wishing you all a beautiful and productive Thursday.

Much Love
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