Openmic Week 41: Original Song "Free"

For this week's Openmic, I decided to put one of my own songs out there called "Free".

I have only played it for a few people, so we'll see how this goes!

This is a song I wrote about abuse and how it repeats its cycle from generation to generation until someone breaks it. I found myself following this cycle even though I was aware of it, it's just hard to control when that's all you know.

The lyrics are mostly paraphrased from Isaiah 61, and it's where I found healing from God from the wounds that we inflict on one another. I hope this song can bring healing to someone else who is going through this as well.

Wandering among the ancient ruins

Through places long devastated

Searching through what’s left of this ruined city

The devastation of many generations 

Dead in my transgressions

Waging war as the world does

Following the sons of rebellion

Pursuing the prince of the power

of the air

Wearing a crown of ashes

Weeping from the oil of mourning

Donning a spirit of despair

Where can I go?

Where can I flee

From your presence?

If I go up to the heavens

Or make my bed in the depths

You are there

Even there

Bestowed a crown of beauty

The oil of gladness

A garment of praise

I will rebuild the ancient ruins

And restore the places long devastated

I will renew the ruined city

The devastation of generations

For I’ve been set free

I’ve been set free

Set free

For freedom

For freedom

For freedom’s sake

For the display of your splendor.

I hope you enjoyed my song. If you are interested in hearing more, or learning about how to sing or play the piano, please upvote, follow and resteem!

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