STEEMIT OPEN MIC WEEK #64 - Hernán Suárez - Yemanja (Original Version) (Lyrics in Portuguese, translation below)

Hi everyone! in this ocation ill share with you the first song i made with my newest instrument, the Kamele Ngoni, is an Harp coming from West Africa.
This is a song to Yemanjá, the Queen of The Seas, from the afro-brazilian Orishas.

An orisha is a spirit who reflects one of the manifestations of the supreme divinity in Yoruba religion. Orisha are said to have existed in the spiritual world, or Astral plane or lived as human beings in the planetary world, or physical plane. Others are said to be humans who are recognized as deities due to extraordinary feats.

This are the lyrics in portuguese, and ill put the translation below.

  • Yemanjá, Rainha do Mar -

Oh! que barco tão lindo,
que vem sobre as ondas do mar
Ele traz as vibrações de nossa mãe Yemanjá
Ele traz as vibrações de nossa mãe Yemanjá

Yemanjá, Yemanjá, rainha do mar
Yemanjá, Yemanjá, rainha do mar

Brilhou, brilhou, brilhou, brilhou no mar…
o manto da nossa mãe Yemanjá
brilhou, brilhou no mar…
e agora vai brilhar neste lar!

A marola do mar
Vai levando
Yemanjá é quem vai navegando.

Yemanjá, Yemanjá, rainha do mar
Yemanjá, Yemanjá, rainha do mar

Quem quer viver sobre as ondas?
Quem quer viver sob o mar?
Salve a sereia do Mar,
Salve Nossa Mãe Yemanjá!

Yemanjá, Yemanjá, rainha do mar
Yemanjá, Yemanjá, rainha do mar

English Lyrics:

Oh! What a beautiful boat,
that comes on the waves of the sea
It brings the vibrations of our mother Yemanjá
It brings the vibrations of our mother Yemanjá

Yemanjá, Yemanjá, queen of the sea
Yemanjá, Yemanjá, queen of the sea

It shone, it shone, it shone, it shone in the sea ...
the mantle of our mother Yemanjá
it shone, it shone in the sea ...
and now it will shine in this home!

The sea squall
Is taking us
Yemanja is the one who is sailing.

Yemanjá, Yemanjá, queen of the sea
Yemanjá, Yemanjá, queen of the sea

Who wants to live on the waves?
Who wants to live on the sea?
Save the Mermaid from the Sea,
Save Our Mother Yemanjá!

Yemanjá, Yemanjá, queen of the sea
Yemanjá, Yemanjá, queen of the sea

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