Steemit Open Mic Week 81 - Stop 'n' Think (Original) - Nathan Kaye

I originally penned this tune when the USA, UK & Australia invaded Iraq. Seems just as relevant now as ever!

This is about waking up from the somnambulant manical conditioning.
Stop and think.
Pause and feel.
Unite and ignite.
And positively transform our world.
Turn off your mainstream media news sources. It only spreads negativity and fear.
Some say that if you don't watch the news, then you're uninformed, but if you do watch it, then you're misinformed.
It promulgates fear. That's all it does. We don't see good news. We only see bad news. So that's what they should actually call it.

"Hey, did you watch the bad news today on channel Blah blah numbers and letters?" (grimices)
"No, I was busy hearing about the good news today about the new incredible inventions made, and the person who saved dozens of people by making them food, and the thousands of people who are breathing today because someone gave a shit. Etc." (smiles)

These so-called leaders, rich men (& women) in suits, that (apparently) run our countries and the largest corporations in the world carry on as if we, the people and our precious planet, don't matter.
They go to war, killing thousands whilst earning profits and we pay them to do it.
When will enough be enough?
This song is a call to unite!

As with all my one-man band performances and recordings, nothing is looped or pre-recorded in this one-man band performance.

Yes, you heard right!
I am simultaneously playing the
"Violap" Lapsteel Slide guitar (co-designed by Ben Harper),
Slide-Didge (modern adaptation of the traditional Aboriginal wind instrument known most commonly as didgeridoo),
vocals and
electronic foot drums (homemade from wetsuit, plywood, guitar cables, and contact mics into a drum module).

by the way, I punctured my pinky finger whilst playing this tune and bled all over the lapsteel slide guitar!!

The battery of my main camera died about 3/4's of the way through, but at least the iPhone camera was still going.


The act of terrorism cannot be solved by an act of war,
They cannot make a right by doing the very thing that they say that they deplore,
Turn off your TV because it inculcates you with what they want you to see,
It's our humanity, only compassion can bring true liberty,

Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
Stop and Think!

Am I getting through? Is any of this shit making sense?
Or is apathy so deeply set that you're still sitting on the fence?

Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
Stop and Think!

You get füked by the bank, the politics, the system, but when are you going to faaarq your wife?
Because it's all the love we share every day that'll stop them fårking with your life.

Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
Stop and Think!

I hope that you're happy & well right in this moment.
If not, I hope that whatever ails you passes by quickly and easily.

So dear friend reading this, I do hope you enjoy this performance!

If you felt the vibe of this performance, please do upvote, resteem, follow @nathankaye and comment. I'd really love to hear from you.
Thank you so much for listening.

©Nathan Kaye 2002 and © this performance 2018. All rights reserved.

Here are my previous Open Mic entries:
Week 79 - Nobody's Slave Nobody's Master (Original) - Collab with Ben Lee @benleemusic
Week 77 - Silence (waves of Life) (Original)
Week 76 - Lean Into It (Original) - Coolab with Ben Lee @benleemusic
Week 74 - Lucky Man Story (Original)
Week 73 - Wings (Original)
Week 72 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (cover)

Please make sure you vote for @pfunk, @ausbitbank as witnesses here: These dudes do lotsa good.

Thanks so much for commenting below
(because I'm hoping you're about to ).
If you felt the vibe of this article, or it's helped you shift perspective,
please do click upvote, click resteem, click follow and comment.
Let's connect, be friends!
I'd really love to hear from you.

I try my best to check out the blogs of my genuine upvoters as well as those of you who do genuine comments and especially those who follow me…

Also, I'm a proud helpinaut!
Visit @helpie to find out what that means and
to find out if you'd be a proper fit for our discord group!
Helping is the #1 goal!

Mental advisory Conscious lyrics.jpg


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