Why I Hate and Love the Steemit Open Mic Contest

Hey Steemit,

As you can probably guess from the title I wanted to talk about the Open Mic contests that are held on Steemit. More specifically, why I hate and love them. If you are still here, read below to my musings.


Last week I was sitting down at my computer and I thought to myself, "it is about time I came up with a new competition, well I can't do singing because that is already done." This, I believe, is a completely reasonable thought. I don't want to be stepping on the toes of someone who has already created something excellent. I am no thief!

That is when I decided to do a google search for "Steemit Openmic". Well, this was a mistake. After a few minutes of reading I loaded my first video...


Yes that is right, I have now been consumed by the talent that have revealed themselves on Steemit. Now, my days are spent looking through the historical open mic competitions to find other talents that I have not yet found!

I HATE that a lot of these people are yet to be 'discovered' and are not famous. I HATE that all I want to listen to is talent from Steemit. However, I LOVE that I am listening to these great people, quite often on repeat.

So far my favourite artist is @kendramoriah. @kendramoriah, if you ever read this, thank you for creating such amazing music! You are incredibly talented. Also, not cool creating such good music now that now when I load YouTube I am always checking for new songs!

I am also a big fan of @johnbutler your voice is very unique. I like the almost, throaty cough sound behind your tones. I have listened to quite a few of your songs and I am not a huge fan of the punk/rock but things like Anything are absolutely bloody awesome! Great, now that I went and found the link to your song I have listened to it another 4 times!


So in summary, I hate that I am now spending so much time looking into the open mic contest. I hate that I am not talented enough to enter, because I really wish I could sing as good as a lot of these people. However I absolutely LOVE that people are so willing to be open with the Steemit community. They are ready to put themselves out there and show the world what they can do. So thank you everyone for entering and giving me something to listen to.

Also, I would like to say a massive thank you to @luzcypher for creating and managing the Steemit Open Mic Competition. Check out the comps on his page here

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