Steemit Open Mic Week 45: Courante from J.S. Bach's BWV 996

In continuation of my efforts to play all of my Bach repertoire on steemit, here's another piece from his first lute suite. A Courante (Kor-änt) is a dance that started in the Renaissance that people kept writing for through the Baroque era. The word literally means running and the dance was a sort of gallop, however I prefer to play this particular Courante a little slower to ring out some of the harmonies. There's a sort of jumpy feeling to the whole thing due to the nature of the composition. All of the suites that Bach wrote for the lute are a series of courtly dances, however, something about the dramatic nature of his counterpoint makes it hard to imagine people dancing to them. Maybe it's just me. If you do end up dancing to this, please film yourself and link your post to the comments... I'm kidding-ish.

Thanks for watching and reading.

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