Steemit Open Mic Week 55-Original Song-Home of the Free

Here is one that I wrote and never played for anyone until quite recently. I remembered it while visiting two friends and they seemed to like it so... This is one of the few songs that I can remember exactly when I wrote it. It was 2003 right after the US invasion of Iraq. I have never had an idea for a song; these just come out of nowhere for me and usually I don't know what they are about until the song is done or at least partially written. Anyway this one for me was like a premonition because a few days after I wrote it the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal happened.
Anyway thanks for listening and I promise my next entry will be from the lighter side of life! Peace

Home of the Free
How can it be
Your people in shame
I've seen the signs
You're losing your mind
There's no time
You're out of the game

And the cost
Of the loss
And of God
All you want
To kill in the name

Land of the brave
You've been enslaved
By what you can't see
Your faith is blind
Your hands have been tied
Open your eyes
You live in a dream

All your life
You've been right
Or so you think
And if not
Tell us what
You were led to believe

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