Steemit Openmic-Week 60-Original Song-Fair Lily

A remembrance for my little first try at some video picture-in-picture so forgive me my basic skills. If you're not a dog person look away !

The song pretty much says it all; she literally came out of nowhere and was the greatest gift I have ever received. Lily had a long life and was probably about 17 when she died. Even in the early days I knew that I was the luckiest person because I got to be with her; we had many many adventures together.
The night before she left her body, I stood watching the sunset and this song began playing in my head...I heard it as an Irish ballad. After a few months I went back and had to "find" it on the guitar. It has been a few years now, but it is still hard to think about her ... I finally decided to try to share this song; it took some time to make it all the way through but I got this take.
A dedication to Lily's mom who is watching this somewhere...I know that she misses our girl just as much as I do...

She came from the forest
All skin and bones just
Frightened and alone
And we with no child of our own
Took her in
And from then
We all had a home

The joy and the tears
The wonderful years
Ah, the stories we'd tell
And for you it was me that fell
You're my miracle, girl
Fair Lily farewell

And if there's a heaven
I know that's where you are
I'm not fearing to die
If I'll be by your side
My good Lily

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