OPEN MIC 57 - Mi vestido Azul (Cover Español + Traducción)

Of young woman one of my favorite series was called Floricienta. Floricienta was a woman who was trying to reach his dreams and tape-worm a very big heart to take care of many little kids, nevertheless all his dreams are ruined and his blue prince already is not so blue, since it has many complications in the love.

Many people dream of a blue prince. The truth, my blue prince died last week, was an extraordinary man that I extract all his family afloat, this man I remain a widower of very young woman and he has to fight with 7 children. To all of them I them extract forward, turning into an important businessman that I help to raise bakeries and editorials. I call this man to; the blue prince of any fairies' history... My beautiful grandfather, I dedicate you each of these lines, because that already you were never coming and I will continue waiting with my free hair...

And I am going to hope for you
and I am not going away to paint
I already know that you like much
when you see me natural
And I will arrive so precise
I do not want to waste more time
every second that tardás
it is a kiss that I reduce to you
I will put the blue dress
that I know that you like more
I will leave my hair loose
so that it dances in the wind
And in our corner of always
the air has been performed
because in all the Windows
the love is being shown

But it never came, did not arrive
and my blue dress was wrinkled to me
and this corner is not my corner
and this love no longer is my love
But it never came, did not arrive
and I never will know what happened
I was crying myself slowly
I was leaving the Heart

And you robbed the corner to me
and I have left so lost
to where they fly my dreams
to an impasse
And I took off my dress
that as much you liked
total I feel undresses
total no longer I have nothing

But it never came, did not arrive
and my blue dress was wrinkled to me
and this corner is not my corner
and this love no longer is my love
But it never came, did not arrive
and I never will know what happened
I was crying myself slowly
I was leaving the Heart

But it never came, did not arrive
and my blue dress was wrinkled to me
and this corner is not my corner
and this love no longer is my love
But it never came, did not arrive
and I never will know what happened
I was crying myself slowly
I was leaving the Heart

and it never came, I do not arrive

De joven una de mis series favoritas se llamaba Floricienta. Floricienta era una mujer que trataba de alcanzar sus sueños y tenia un corazón muy grande para cuidar muchos chiquitines, sin embargo todos sus sueños se van derrumbando y su príncipe azul ya no es tan azul, pues tiene muchas complicaciones en el amor.

Muchas sueñan con un príncipe azul. La verdad, mi príncipe azul murió la semana pasada, fue un hombre extraordinario que saco toda su familia a flote, este hombre quedo viudo de muy joven y le toco lidiar con 7 niños. A todos ellos los saco adelante, convirtiéndose en un importante empresario que ayudo a levantar panaderías y editoriales. A ese hombre le llamo; el príncipe azul de cualquier historia de hadas... Mi hermoso abuelo, te dedico cada una de estas lineas, porque se que ya nunca llegaras y yo me quedare esperando...

Y yo te voy a esperar
y no me voy a pintar
ya sé que te gusta mucho
cuando me ves natural.

Y llegaré tan puntual
no quiero perder más tiempo
cada segundo que tardás
es un beso que te resto.

Me pondré el vestido azul
que séque te gusta más
dejaré mi pelo suelto
para que baile en el viento.

Y en nuestra esquina de siempre
el aire se ha perfumado
porque en todas las ventanas
el amor se está asomando.

Pero no vino nunca, no llegó
y mi vestido azul se me arrugó
y esta esquina no es mi esquina
y este amor ya no es mi amor.
Pero no vino nunca, no llegó
y yo jamás sabré lo que pasó
me fui llorando despacio
me fui dejando el corazón

Y me robaste la esquina
y me quede tan perdida
a dónde vuelan mis sueños
a un callejón sin salida.
Y me quité mi vestido
que tanto te gustaba
total me siento desnuda
total ya no tengo nada.

Y él no vino nunca
no llegó.

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