Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 6 - La entrega especial (Original song)

La entrega especial

Desde que te vi, sabia que ibas a llegar a mi
luego me escribiste y no me sorprendí JA!
pues tan solo con una simple palabra
yo no contaba que mi corazón acelerara
ni muchos menos me iba a imaginar
que con el tiempo yo me iría a enamorar
Y fue así!

En esta entrega especial, quiero decirte que
Baby mi corazón tu lo puedes tener
Porque yo si tu amor ya no puedo vivir
solo te pido que me hagas feliz (X2)

En este tiempo tan especial que pasamos juntos
todo es bonito pero todo es tan absurdo
te conocí y te imagino en mi futuro
Baby yo no creía que seriamos uno
Me gustaste desde el primer día en que te vi
y desde entonces supe que eras para mi
jamas pensé enamorarme
y con tus besos fue difícil olvidarme
yo me arriesgue y jugué por ti
y desde entonces a tu amor yo correspondí....

En esta entrega especial, quiero decirte que
Baby mi corazón tu lo puedes tener
Porque yo si tu amor ya no puedo vivir
solo te pido que me hagas feliz (X2)

Since I saw you, I knew you were going to get to me
then you wrote me and I was not surprised JA!
Well, just with a single word
I did not count on my heart accelerating
not much less would I imagine
that with time I would go to fall in love
And it was like that!

In this special installment, I want to tell you that
Baby my heart, you can have it
Because if I can not live your love anymore
I only ask you to make me happy (X2)

In this special time we spent together
everything is beautiful but everything is so absurd
I met you and I imagine you in my future
Baby I did not think we would be one
I liked you from the first day I saw you
and since then I knew you were for me
never thought I fell in love
and with your kisses it was hard to forget
I took a risk and I played for you
and since then to your love I corresponded ....

In this special installment, I want to tell you that
Baby my heart, you can have it
Because if I can not live your love anymore
I only ask you to make me happy (x2)

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