Steemit Open Mic Semana 70 - El ultimo beso - Los 007 (cover by @oscar20)

Hello everyone, this is my ticket of the week i hope you like!!

El ultimo beso


Por que se fue? y por que murió?
por que el señor me la quito?
se ha ido al cielo y para poder ir yo
debo también ser bueno para estar... con mi amor


Íbamos los dos... al anochecer
Oscurecía y no podía ver...
Yo manejaba... iba a mas de cien
prendí las luces para leer
Habia un letrero de desviación
El cual pasamos sin precaución
Muy tarde fue y al enfrenar
el carro volcó y hasta el fondo... fue a dar


Por que se fue? y por que murió?
por que el señor me la quito?
se ha ido al cielo y para poder ir yo
debo también ser bueno para estar... con mi amor


Al vueltas dar... yo me salí
Por un momento no supe de mi
Al despertar hacia el carro corrí
y aun con vida la pude hallar
al verme lloro... me dijo amor
allá te espero donde esta Dios
el ha querido separarnos hoy
abrázame fuerte porque me voy
al fin la abrase y al besarla se sonrió
y después de un suspiro... en mis brazos quedo...


Por que se fue? y por que murió?
por que el señor me la quito?
se ha ido al cielo y para poder ir yo
debo también ser bueno para estar... con mi amor

Aaaaaaaaaaaaah... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....
Aaaaaaaaaaaaah... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....

The last Kiss


Why did he leave? and why did he die?
Why did the gentleman take it from me?
has gone to heaven and to be able to go
I must also be good to be ... with my love


We were both ... at dusk
It was getting dark and I could not see ...
I was driving ... I was going over a hundred
I turned on the lights to read
There was a deviation sign
Which we passed without precaution
It was very late
the car overturned and to the bottom ... it was to give


Why did he leave? and why did he die?
Why did the gentleman take it from me?
has gone to heaven and to be able to go
I must also be good to be ... with my love


When I turn to give ... I left
For a moment I did not know about my
When I woke up to the car I ran
and even with life I could find it
seeing me cry ... I said love
I'll wait for you where God is
He wanted to separate us today
hold me tight because I'm leaving
finally he opened it and when he kissed it he smiled
and after a sigh ... in my arms I am ...


Why did he leave? and why did he die?
Why did the gentleman take it from me?
has gone to heaven and to be able to go
I must also be good to be ... with my love

Aaaaaaaaaaaaah ... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ....
Aaaaaaaaaaaaah ... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ....

thank you!

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