Steemit Open Mic Week 96 - Puerto de la Paz - Jose Papo Rivera

Muy temprano esta mañana
Salio una nave de este puerto,
Piensa que puede con sus fuerzas
Cruzar el mar sin ser dañado
Por qué, por qué se fue
Sino podrá encontrar, paz ni seguridad sino en el puerto
Por qué, por qué se fue
Sino podrá encontrar, paz ni seguridad sino en el puerto

Hay una nave que perdida en alta mar
Esta clamando que la vayan a buscar
Pues la azotado una fuerte tempestad
Y quiere regresar, y quiere regresar.
Por eso clamo, a ti divino capitán
Busca esa nave, no la dejes naufragar
Tráela pronto hasta el Puerto de la Paz
Que ya nunca jamás se irá.

Cuanto dolor siente un alma
Que se da cuenta que ha dejado
La paz de Dios y la esperanza
Por ver el mundo de pecado
Se siente desmayar, quisiera regresar
Pues sabe que el señor la esta esperando
Se siente desmayar, quisiera regresar
Pues sabe que el señor la esta esperando

Hay una nave que perdida en alta mar
Esta clamando que la vayan a buscar
Pues la azotado una fuerte tempestad
Y quiere regresar, y quiere regresar.
Por eso clamo, a ti divino capitán
Busca esa nave, no la dejes naufragar
Tráela pronto hasta el Puerto de la Paz
Que ya nunca jamás se irá.

Oh cuantas naves de este puerto
Ha naufragado en esos mares
Otros caminan ambulantes
Porque la ruta ya perdieron
Y como volverán sino va el capitán
A rescatarle de los fuertes vientos
Y como volverán sino va el capitán
A rescatarle de los fuertes vientos
Tomado de
Hay una nave que perdida en alta mar
Esta clamando que la vayan a buscar
Pues la azotado una fuerte tempestad
Y quiere regresar, y quiere regresar.
Por eso clamo, a ti divino capitán
Busca esa nave, no la dejes naufragar
Tráela pronto hasta el Puerto de la Paz
Que ya nunca jamás se irá.

Very early this morning
A ship came out of this port,
Think you can with your strength
Cross the sea without being damaged
Why, why did he leave?
But you can find, peace or security, but in the port
Why, why did he leave?
But you can find, peace or security, but in the port

There is a ship that lost at sea
She is claiming that they are going to look for her
Well, the scourge of a strong storm
And he wants to return, and he wants to return.
That's why I'm calling, the divine captain
Find that ship, do not let it shipwreck
Bring her soon to the Puerto de la Paz
That will never ever leave.

How much pain does a soul feel?
That he realizes that he has left
The peace of God and hope
To see the world of sin
He feels faint, I would like to return
Well, she knows that the gentleman is waiting for her
He feels faint, I would like to return
Well, she knows that the gentleman is waiting for her

There is a ship that lost at sea
She is claiming that they are going to look for her
Well, the scourge of a strong storm
And he wants to return, and he wants to return.
That's why I'm calling, the divine captain
Find that ship, do not let it shipwreck
Bring her soon to the Puerto de la Paz
That will never ever leave.

Oh how many ships of this port
It has been shipwrecked in those seas
Others walk around
Because the route has already lost
And how will they return but the captain goes
To rescue him from the strong winds
And how will they return but the captain goes
To rescue him from the strong winds
Taken from
There is a ship that lost at sea
She is claiming that they are going to look for her
Well, the scourge of a strong storm
And he wants to return, and he wants to return.
That's why I'm calling, the divine captain
Find that ship, do not let it shipwreck
Bring her soon to the Puerto de la Paz
That will never ever leave.

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