A Special Tributary Open-Mic Entry from the Creative Music Community

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It’s been nearly 3 months since I started this epic musical MASH-UP journey. Here is the link to my original post: @passion-ground/open-auditions-for-a-very-special-passion-ground-production

Although I did a fair amount of editing, and I did all of the mixing & mastering – in addition to putting together the entire video production by myself, - I could not have done any of it without the essential help from my brother, Jose, aka @pechichemena.

Pechiche laid the necessary groundwork to get this project off the ground! Working together closely nearly every step of the way, Pechiche gave me the much-needed “training wheels” that I needed to see the project through to completion.

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And BOOM… Here We Are!

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Though I am disappointed that a few key players were unable to participate for various reasons beyond their control, I am over-the-top thrilled with the results that our A-TEAM has brought to the table for this very special tributary event.

This was no easy task trust me… However, it was a long and arduous labor of love! Below is an image of my post-production checklist as I was assembling and organizing all of the video footage. Similar amounts of copious notes were needed to keep abreast of mixing all of the 37-tracks that make up this 9-gigabyte mega-production.

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Credit Where Credit is Due…

In my initial announcement 3-months ago, I promised each participating artist an equal split of $100 SBD/STEEM directly from my personal account. Well, in addition to myself, we had 12 participating artists – all of whom worked extremely hard to get their deliverables in on time – and I made an executive decision to bump that number up to $120 SBD/STEEM. As such, even though they deserve 10x this amount, each of the 12 participating artists has already received $10.00 SBD/STEEM each.


Furthermore, as previously mentioned, all earnings that this post earns by week’s end will be split as follows: 50% to the Creative Team, which consists of me and @Pechichemena, and the remaining 50% will be split amongst the 12 incredible artists who made this epic mash up a reality.

Finally, even though I am an official Open-Mic judge, I am submitting this entry solely on behalf of the 12 rather talented and hardworking artists who made this happen. As such, should this entry be fortunate enough to “place” anywhere in week #104’s winner's circle, I will immediately disperse 100% of any such prize earnings equally amongst each of these 12 fantastic artists!

In light of the rather remote prospects mentioned above, I will refrain from voting or reviewing this entry entirely, and leave such fate up to the community at large and to the rest of the judges along with our esteemed host, @luzcypher. Now, without further ado…

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…What You’ve All Been Waiting For

Might I suggest selecting FULL SCREEN and using headphones for the ultimate experience. Since there is so much going on, it may take half a dozen views or more to fully appreciate everyone’s individual performances.

I cannot begin to tell you just how utterly impressed and proud I am of each of these amazing artists. All of them were my friends before the mash-up, but now, they are my family! I love each and every one of them, and I am just overwhelmed with pride and joy.

This has to be one of the biggest and most treasured musical accomplishments in my lifetime, and I shall cherish every moment of blood, sweat, and tears it took to make it happen – for the rest of my life.

It’s still just “Amateur Hour” though - as I am no pro… I wish I had more time to create a better mix and a better video – but I did the best I could with what I had in the time allotted. I extend my humble thanks to all of you for entrusting me with this very special project.

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Peace, Love, and Justice for All

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