Dear fellow Artists and Musicians,

Before you read on, click "play" and take a few minutes to take in the sheer drive of this most amazing song by Earth, Wind, and Fire. Follow the lyrics, and put all the pieces together. It hit's home, doesn't it? Now, lets put it to work, shall we?

It's GRATITUDE time my people!

NOW is the time that we ALL need to come together and rally in support of one our own, someone rather special, who quietly supports us ever-so graciously week in and week out! I'm talkin' bout' @pfunk people.

Our man @pfunk is an integral part of the Open-Mic Team on so many levels. He is a Steemit "Witness," and he brings a huge amount of financial support to fund the Open-Mic each and every week.

It is critical that he maintain his witness standing within the top-20 witnesses in order to continue his support of our venue with the greatest of confidence. He is slipping to the #21 rank at the moment and IT'S UP TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU to vote him back up into the top-20!

Get @Pfunk back into the top-20 NOW!

Click the link below and vote for @Pfunk - do show him some of your gratitude for all that he has done and continues to do for the Open-Mic community on a regular basis - Do it NOW!

Thank you, my brothers and sisters! I'm counting on each and every one of you to do your part in showing some gratitude!

I'll be watching @pfunks numbers to measure just how many of you have risen to the occasion.



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