It is a Proud Honor to have been Recently Entrusted as an Official Open Mic Judge

Nearly six months ago, after continually hearing all types of hyped-up chatter about Steemit on an array of various podcasts that I follow, I finally said “what the heck” – let me give this network a quick look. Next thing you know… BAM!

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When I got here, I was only moderately impressed - that is - until I came upon the Open Mic venue. Once I got a small glimpse into the Open Mic arena, it instantly became overwhelmingly clear to me that I had to participate and become involved in this musical community – no matter what. Quite honestly, the Open Mic venue is the ONLY thing that has kept me here on Steemit!

I believe my first “unofficial” entry (Reason To Love You) was in week #34, and I’ve been making consistent submissions without missing a week right on through last week’s contest #58.

Next week, #59, will likely be the first week I miss due to all of the preparation that is required of me in getting ready for this rather esteemed and serious responsibility, of which I’m so proud and honored to fulfill.

Fret not however, passion-ground fans (ha!) - as I will be back with regular submissions (perhaps not as often) and even though all of my future submissions will be “NON-QUALIFYING” – meaning that I am obviously no longer eligible to win any prize money as an “official judge” – I just don’t think it is possible for me to simply disappear from the “submission-scene” without a trace. It just ain’t gonna happen! So...


Just like all of you, I truly need and rely upon the Open Mic venue to share whatever talents I have – and to get constructive real-time feedback on all of my artistic efforts and yes, my antics too - (Remember “the Kitchen Sink” and Good Golly Miss Molly? Ha!) Hey, we gotta have some fun here too, ya know!

In all seriousness, there is truly nothing quite so rewarding as having your peers listen-to and look-at your work – and getting near-about instantaneous constructive and positive feedback on what you've just poured out of your heart and soul!


Be that as it may, the “prize money” or “competition-aspect” was never-ever a motivating factor for me. Heck, I don’t even have a crypto account from which to “power down” in order to collect any such bounty.

The sole motivating factor in sharing my talents, antics, and interactions with the “Open Mic Community” – is my undying love and grounded passion for music, and more importantly, for the people who love, create, perform, and play that music – all kinds of music.

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Ever since I was a kid growing up in multi-family Italian-American household in NYC, music was an integral part of my childhood existence. I had two teenage Aunts living on the first floor who were diehard Beatle & Elvis fans - and lovers of all manner of Motown, R&B, and Rock & Roll of the day.

I guess I had some natural rhythm in my DNA as my two teenage Aunts – before school, would on a daily basis - pick me up, and get a super thrill out of standing me up on the kitchen table, and encourage me to dance to Chubby Checker’s “The Twist,” and to any other of the countless billboard hits that were breaking the charts back in the mid-1960’s.

With that, I suppose that I learned quite early on – at least one way in which to make pretty girls smile… (Ha!) They were my very first “groupies,” and I love them till this day for all of their loving support and encouragement.

Fortunately, we were able to move out of NYC and into a sleepy CT suburb when I was around 6-years old. Somehow or another, between my Mom’s uncle and her brother-in-law – over the ensuing years, we somehow had the fortune of acquiring an acoustic guitar along with an electric guitar, bass and amp – all of which no one in my immediate family knew what to do with.

In the absence of all the encouragement from my Aunts, I eventually sought my own entertainment in messing around with these musical instruments that were otherwise gathering dust in our new home. During those days – till present – I am a totally self-taught musician/artist… And yeah, I can sorta draw too!

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Throughout my early and mid teens, I went through the actual “garage-band” thing, got in a few different bands and continued on with my self-learning experience.

Of course, as we get to be adults, life seems to somehow get in the way of most creative pursuits, but I’ve always kept those natural talents in my back pocket, and have always come back to that which was the most pleasurable for me – music – and everything about it!

Early - To - Mid-Teens.png

After my Mom died in ‘99, I moved from the east coast to the west, and had a bit of fun for nearly a decade in Southern CA – playing some charity benefits and the like with a classic-rock cover band. Fast forward, and here I am – signed, sealed, delivered – and I’M YOURS now!


Sure, there’s a whole lot more to my story than just this – but I’m thinking that this is just about enough that I would expect anyone to tolerate.

All you need to know is that I love to entertain – and to be entertained – and that there is no better venue on Earth for people like me and you to find such pleasures – than at STEEMIT’s Open Mic venue!

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Thanks for being here Open Mic People – after all, it is all of you that truly make this venue what it is, and for that, I am forever grateful and listening – I’m always listening!

In closing, I wish to thank @lucypher, @pfunk, the rest of our esteemed Open Mic judges, as well as all of you - for your collective love, generosity, talents, and confidence in entrusting me with this most precious gift.

Peace, Love, and Justice for ALL


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