OFFICIAL: Open-Mic Judge @passion-ground's Top-5 Entries for Week 58


Steemit Open Mic Week 58

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My Top-5 Picks in Order

As one of the esteemed Open Mic judges, it is my job to come up with a short-list of my top 5 entrants each week. With all of the great talent here, that is by no means an easy task. Sure, tossing in another 5 honorable mentions helps, but not when my weekly list starts out with 30 or more of my favorite entries... You guy's rock - I'm tellin' ya!

Yes, I’m a Libra – so I have an inherent drive deep within me to be fair and balanced – good qualities for a “judge” if you ask me. That being said, I’m still human – filled with emotion and subjective feelings – just like you. So, in order to mitigate my subjective tendencies to the best extent possible, I’ve come up with a method by which to narrow down my selections in a more objective vs. arbitrary manner.

Here’s how I go about my personal judging process: I first start out with a list of 30 or more of my most favorite entries for the week, and score them (yes, subjectively) in six distinct categories via a spread sheet. The categories I’ve selected for scoring are in general harmony with those explained by @luczypher in his post titled How We Pick The Top 3 Entries, referencing such.

Even though it’s still a “subjective” process – diligently going through each scoring category to come up with a “total” score for each entrant helps to minimize any overzealous subjectivity that I may harbor with respect to any specific entrants.

Quite often, this exercise doesn’t give me the exact results I would personally prefer to see – but that only means that my system of judging is working as intended and designed.

With all of that said, here are my top-5 picks for the week – in order.

First: @matisotoaguilar - Mogati ~ Calor ("warmth") - Original Song
This duet simply warmed my soul to every end. The percussive elements herein, in concert with brilliant guitar work - combined with such beautiful vocal melodies made this entry an absolute stand-out. Of course, the "passion" that both of these wonderful artists display also had a lot to do with my selecting them as my top pick of the week.

Second: @pechichemena - Dicen - (Original Song)
This is one of those entries, whereby after reading the artists post - explaining the nature of the songs origin - it simply added volumes of appreciation to just how much I felt connected to it, and the meaning behind it. However, one need not know of the origins in order to appreciate the sheer beauty, emotion, and talent that resides forever within this most beautiful entry.

Third: @tarotbyfergus - Sweet Gina - (Original Song)
This one just got me... The Neil Young/Tom Petty-like feel of this original just took me over the edge! There is no doubt as well, that Sir Tarot felt quite strongly about this particular gem. His passion rose straight to the top - and never looked back. The raw purity of the lyrics alongside the driving persistent rhythm's make this entry a keeper for the ages!

Fourth: @chaifm - Moon River - (Cover)
I dunno - there's just something about this girl. Can't quite put my finger on it - but she certainly strikes a chord with me! Her rendition of this "old-time" classic was rather haunting... Her intentionally hesitant, pensive, and sublime vocal performance in combination with her rather solid guitar playing got her into my top-5 without any problem whatsoever.

Fifth: @afrao0 - Redemption Song - (Cover)
This guy just came on the scene last week and in my opinion, dropped a major bomb on the Open-Mic venue. He's got that special something - incredible passion for sure - and maybe perhaps because he reminds me a bit of a younger version of what I could have possibly been in my younger days - I just connect with this dude on so many levels. Be that as it may, one need not have such personal/emotional connections in order to fully appreciate this guy's ability to perform, entertain, and make us all feel like we are a part of something bigger and better.

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My Top-5 Honorable Mentions in Order:

First: @pauhallman - Voices - (Original Song)

Second: @yusaymon - "Untitled II" - (Original Song)

Third: @michaelcj - A Clarion Call - (Original Song)

Fourth: @aidarojaswriter - Barco de Naufragio - (Original Song)

Fifth: @voyceatlas - Hail to the Chief - (Original Song)

Thank you all so much for taking some of your precious time to review my take on all of the magnificent artists here at the Open-Mic venue this week. Thanks so much as well for upvoting and resteeming this post so as to spread the word that Open-Mic is clearly taking Steemit by storm - and shall remain a collective people-oriented force of love and artistry to be reckoned with on every level of measure.

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Peace, Love, and Justice for All

A very special shout-out to: @jessamynorchard - Semi-Charmed Life (Cover)

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