Steemit Open Mic Week #48: Good Golly Miss Molly (cover) (spoof on myself)

The good, the bad, and the ugly… Are you ready for this? This is what happens when I pick up an electric guitar after one-too-many glasses of wine…

After listening to all of the fine entries last week, I had to edit out parts from both the beginning and the end of my entry this week because I felt they were a bit too brazenly over-the-top for the ever-refined path that openmic appears to be taking.

I was almost tempted to not enter at all this week, but then I asked myself – what-the-heck, if we couldn’t poke fun at and laugh at ourselves, who else could we laugh at? So I consider this week’s entry kind of a poke of fun at myself. Hope you get as much of a kick out of it as I did playing it!

Of course, this is all in good fun here, and I can’t begin to tell everyone just how rewarding the openmic experience has been for me, and how much I’m enjoying all of the interaction with the varied artists who show up each week here on openmic. The experience has truly been a breath of fresh air for me, as I’m sure it’s been for many of you as well.

That said, for those who enjoy a bit of unabashed irreverent behavior coupled with some wine-laden humor and cuss words, I’ve included the whole unadulterated mess at the bottom of this post.

Warning: “X” rated language is contained within the unedited version at the bottom of this post.

Anyhow, on a lighter note, this is what happens after I have had one too many glasses of wine! I am most certainly impaired beyond all semblance of cognitive recognition here… So, please do take that into your kindest of considerations.

If you wish to skip the calamitous ending and the wine-riddled personality banter contained amid the introduction herein (as vile, raw, and abrasive as it may or may not seem to you) simply just watch the top video (sloppy as it is) of this classic, made most famous (to my knowledge) by Creedence Clearwater Revival.

The latter rendition is best experienced with a good sense of humor, headphones (calibrated to inordinately high levels of volume) along with pre-ingested and copious amounts of your drug or mind-altering substance of choice.

Certainly not my best performance by a long shot – but it’s “me” having fun nonetheless, in all of my god-forsaken fallible glory. A little bit of coyote ugly if, you will!

We all come self-contained with a bounty of minor flaws, talents, potential, and capabilities – however, also within the DNA of our collective make-up resides an abundant depository of character nuances replete with all manner of “not-so-nice” stuff, which in all honesty, makes each of us beautifully unique, and shockingly real.

I am of the opinion that if-and-when one is able to admit to this unequivocal fact, one is then able to “rest easier” knowing that they are indeed no different, no better, and no worse than anyone else roaming the face of this miraculous Earth. It’s a rather good feeling if one is able to attain such stature in good form and with the best of intentions, of course.

I have reached such a point within my journey whereby I care not who see’s my darker sides – as I’ve made peace with all those parts of me. In fact, I embrace them, and I am willing and able to share them without reservation or remorse. In other words, I don’t hold too much back, and I ain’t afraid to show my weak spots of which there are far too many to mention and explore, even within such an intimate venue as Steemit Open Mic.

Translation: How many “damns” could I not give? Answer: Endless numbers thereof… (Notice my restraint in not using the more desired “F” word here.)

Anyway, I consider this post and unadulterated rendition thereof, a stiff poke at myself, and an illustration of my “dimmer” side, however dark or light one may perceive it to be – or not...

With that said, and without further ado, please allow me to reveal my silly-self and the rather SLOPPY side of my musical prowess as I present to you, unadulterated, and in good faith, and with the best of intentions, this rock and roll classic: Good Golly Miss Molly.

UNCUT NOTE: Please turn on your wackiest most irreverent sense of humor prior to hitting “play.” Oh, and if you’ve come this far, you’ve got to see the very end of the clip as well.

Under the impaired circumstances, this was indeed “the best that I could do.” LOL … Oh yeah, and BTW, I definitely did “fan” on one or two of those ending Pete Townsend guitar swings… (He-he) … It’s just another rather obvious illustration of my never-ending well of fallibility.

Until next time, to all my fellow Steemian Musicians who labor tirelessly in the name of love for music – thank you for doing what you do! I so appreciate all of your artistic efforts and talent!

And as always, thank you @pfunk & @luzcypher for making this all possible…


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