Steemit Open Mic Week 55: Totally Off The Reservation – A Compilation of “Kitchen Sink” (covers)

Are you ready for a bat-shit CRAZY entry? Well, you’re in luck, because it’s Passion-Ground-Time for another SPOOF entry! Hope you get several laughs out of this just-under-10-minute musical comedy sketch, in which I make a complete fool of myself!!!

I don’t know about you, but occasionally I just have to let loose, become rather silly, and have some random-childlike and spontaneous fun!

I think many of us enjoy doing this from time-to-time – it’s just that most of us would not be so inclined to share such potentially embarrassing escapades publically. Well, you’re in luck - because I’m not one to shy away from sharing such “off-the-reservation” endeavors!

This week’s entry exemplifies such unfiltered folly, and I do hope you get as much of a kick out of it as I did. Fair WARNING though – frustration aside, this entry contains excessive unrestrained profanity amidst an otherwise joyous experience of pure unadulterated fun and pleasure!

If nothing else, consider this entry, which is just shy of 10-minutes, a musically charged comedy sketch. I’ll try to break down the timeline of all the varied segments of the skit later in the post. In the meantime, here’s how it all began.

So there I was, just chillin’ out, getting ready to do some dishes after dinner and then suddenly, while standing at the kitchen sink, Neil Young’s “Heart Of Gold” crossed over the Pandora airwaves.

Instantly inspired, I began grooving to the tune with the nearest instrument available to me – and of all such things nearest at hand, - this turned out to be … The Kitchen (fucking) Sink!

After both the song and my impromptu and masterful (unrecorded) percussive accompaniment to it ended (ha-ha) – I was like, holy shit, that felt so frikkin’ AWESOME!, I’ve got to share this somehow and record it for the openmic people!!

So I set up the camera, and proceeded to search Pandora for an instant replay in order to recapture my brilliant ”Kitchen Sink” performance of “Heart Of Gold.”

You Can’t Always Get What You Want …Well, much to my dismay, such features are not available with the free version of Pandora, which mind you, is all that the household budget can afford to spend on such luxuries at this time. :-)

My frustrations in this regard are captured in all their profane glory within the first minute and 20 seconds of the clip.

Next, from the 1:20 – 1:49 mark, I reveal my truly moronic colors, provide a sneak-peek sample of what’s to come, and very much hope/assume that you’ll allow me to just be myself for a stretch – and kindly indulge me, if you would.

Next-up, from the 1:50 thru 3:17 mark, I do my best in trying to explain just how this all came about, the effect it’s having on me, and some sage wisdom with regard to the way in which we should all perceive the “Kitchen Sink” from this day forward! Note: this is a very crucial segment!!! (Ha-Ha)

Since I was clearly unsuccessful in acquiring auditory access to “Heart Of Gold,” I succumbed to accepting whatever the random Pandora cue had to offer, and rendering to it - my new-found brand of “Kitchen-Sink” percussion amid a medley of covers from the 3:17 to roughly the 4:30 mark.

And for the grand-finally, from about the 4:30 mark till the end, is where I pay the utmost homage to the instrument otherwise known as the double-stainless steel-“Kitchen Sink.” Trust me; you don’t want to miss this stretch of percussive brilliance by any means.

Therein these last 4-minutes, I pay tribute to one of my all-time favorite “groove songs,” which totally intoxicates and hypnotizes me every time I listen to it.

So – In closing, I just wanna thank you all for letting me be myself here in the Open-Mic community.

Oh, and PS… Please forgive the inadvertent and indiscreet showing of the white band of my black “Calvin’s” and the attendant “Love Handles” that come along with them at no extra charge of course!

Oh, my fuckin’ hands!!! (Ha-ha!) Perhaps one day, if the gods of Pandora are willing, I’ll eventually get around to recording and share my “Kitchen Sink” percussive rendition of Neil Young’s “Heart Of Gold.” We’ll see…

Until next time, to all my fellow Steemian Musicians who labor tirelessly in the name of love for music – thank you for doing what you do! I so appreciate all of your artistic efforts and talent!

And as always, thank you @pfunk & @luzcypher for making this all possible…


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