UNOFFICIAL: Just For the Fun of It - Songs from the Attic: Track-2, Loft-Music (original)

No rest for the weary, simply because I love this place - perhaps in fact, more than life itself! Ha! Yeah, no doubt shitty for me, but bully for you – and that’s quite alright by me! I wouldn’t have it any other way - ha!

I can’t begin to tell everyone just how much it means to me to have been invited to be a judge in this weekly Open-Mic venue.

The whole experience from week #34 has been nothing short of a blessing from who knows where – and for that, from the very bottom of my heart and soul, I wish to thank each and every one of you for playing a major role in that so profoundly personal rebirth of my very existence.

Anyway, tossing all that sappy-ass bullshit aside…

Following up on last week’s theme: “Songs from the Attic,” here’s another track to add to the half-ass collection – that is – if anyone is truly bothering to collect this retro-attic-trash of mine. Ha! …Well, just in case… Here goes…

For this entry, you can thank, as I have on numerous occasions, @luzcypher, for serendipitously guiding me back up into my fateful attic to dust off some old memories and experiences of the past.

This one’s called: Beautiful Woman – and I sure hope that all of my Open-Mic People like it on some level – any level will do…

Although admittedly it’s going to be somewhat challenging, I am going to try my frikkin’ hardest not to let the fact that I’m a “judge” change the way that I’ve been enjoying this venue and all of the people involved in it. It just means too much to me.

Granted, due to my new work-load as a judge, (yeah, the work-load part kinda sucks) I did not have the luxury of “time’ to fashion the several split screens that I would have otherwise liked to – showing the other parts and performances that made up this little piece of attic-trash.

However, fret not! There is some bonus material here… So, in order to keep up appearances with regard to some of the fun-loving antics that I like to share every now and again, I thought I’d include some out-takes of this entry, replete with plentiful foul language and as is typical, as well - placing myself very much at extreme risk of making a complete and total fool of myself.

At the end of the day, my dearly beloved Open-Mic People, I’m just a fool for each and every one of you!

Songs from the Attic - Manilla Folder _ Selfie from days gone by.jpeg.png

Until next time, to all my fellow Steemian Musicians who labor tirelessly in the name of love for music – thank you for doing what you do! I so appreciate all of your artistic efforts and talent!

And as always, thank you @pfunk & @luzcypher for making this all possible…



_Verse - 1_

There’s somethin’ about the way you make me feel,
- I just can’t shake it – I just can’t see…
 It’s been building up baby, - day after day, 
- I really burn for your love, in a beautiful way.


What am I gonna do, you tell me; “get outta town!”
- What’s a matter with you baby don’t you want me around?
This incredible attraction that I feel for you, 
- It’s just the same attraction I know you feel for me too!


Beautiful Woman got me – cryin’ mad-
You’re a Beautiful Woman, - best I - ever had.
Beautiful Woman, I can’t – turn you down. 
Cause you’re a Beautiful Woman, and I want you around.

_Verse - 2_

Your lifes like a movie - and you’re the star,
- sometimes I get nowhere and sometimes I go far…
You put on a show; you hold your head up high.
- Cause you know I’ll love you baby till the day I die.


What am I gonna do, you tell me; “get outta town!”
- What’s a matter with you baby don’t you want me around.
This incredible attraction that I feel for you, 
- It’s just the same attraction I know you feel for me too!


Beautiful Woman got me – cryin’ mad-
Beautiful Woman, best I ever had.
Beautiful Woman, I can’t – turn you down.
Cause you’re a Beautiful Woman, and I want you around.

_Verse - 3_

Let’s get a house; we’ll have a baby or two.
- We’ll live a beautiful life, - just me and you…
Feels so right, - every day,
- I really need your lovin’ baby in a beautiful way.


What am I gonna do, you tell me; get outta town!
- What’s a matter with you baby don’t you want me around?
This incredible attraction that I feel for you, 
- It’s just the same attraction I know you feel for me too.


Beautiful Woman got me – cryin’ mad-
Beautiful Woman, best I ever had.
Beautiful Woman, I can’t – turn you down.
Cause you’re a Beautiful Woman, and I want you around.

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