Steemit Open Mic Week 60 entry - "Exit Music (For A Film)" - Radiohead cover

Here’s a little ditty about Romeo and Juliet.

I’ve seen Radiohead play this live (at Stone Mountain, no less), and it was as transcendent then as it is on the studio recording on the album OK Computer. Thom Yorke wrote this for the Romeo + Juliet soundtrack, that movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. It was used as the closing music for the movie, thus the name. If you know the story, and I think most of us do, then you will understand everything in these lyrics. It’s a very intimate telling of the end of Romeo and Juliet, one that starts quietly yet urgently (“Pack and get dressed before your father hears us”), and gradually builds to a heartbreaking climax of love, and anger towards those who came between it (“Now we are one in everlasting peace, we hope that you choke”), and comes back down to a nothing even quieter than the beginning, as the story ends the way we all know it does.

Shakespeare and Radiohead go together pretty well, I think.

Here are a couple of Radiohead songs that I recorded in my studio, with me playing all the instruments:

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