Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 4 - Because We Can - ''La Rueda'' Original Song

Hello Steemit !

One more week , one more song . This challenge keeps me writing and that really makes me happy ,I hope I can get all 8 songs done :) . Thanks to @meno and @luzcypher once again for setting this up !

This week's theme ''Because We Can'' had me really thinking , because the most obvious thing would be some uplifting song on overcoming a goal or something along those lines .. but I actually found a deeper meaning in this phrase. And not such a happy one . There is really a limit on what we can reach .. and are we really doing it for ourselves?.

With these thoughts on my mind I wrote this song called ''La rueda'' , that translates to ''The Wheel" . Quite a simple title but it builds on the idea of those who have fought and fallen for their dreams just to push this wheel of life a little further. Pushing it for the next ones that will come. The memories and ideals of the ones that fell behind will be the strength of the ones that will keep on turning that same wheel. Big changes and dreams are not done by one person but by generations that carry the same ideal.

We push this wheel just because we can , but maybe we are just doing it for the next ones to come , maybe they'll be the ones that arrive.

Hope you like it :)

La Rueda

Los labios secos
quebrando el viento
La frente en alta
Una voz se levanta
Se viste de sol

Habla el tiempo
''No hay desierto
Nos sobra el odio''
El cielo tiñe de rojo
detiene el reloj

Escribiendo en arena
''La vida es una rueda''
No nos callamos
nos transformamos
Vivimos en tus ojos

Las dunas llevan
su sufrimiento
que muere lento
la tierra une las sombras
de quien somos hoy

Here's a translation:

The Wheel

Dry lips
Breaking the wind
Head up high
A voice wakes up
and dresses like a sun

Time speaks to us
''There is no desert
we have too much hate''
Sky then dyes in red
and the clock stops

Writing in sand
''Life is just a Wheel''
We don't shut up
we just transform
we live in your eyes

Dunes that carry
their suffering
that slowly dies
Land then joins the shadows
that makes us who we are today

These metaphors are quite hard to translate to english... but I did my best :p . Hope the meaning is not lost .

Once again , thanks for reading and listening !

Signing off

Pechiche Mena

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