Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 5 - Wind Swept Shore - ''Orillas de Soledad'' Original Song

Hello Steemit Friends !

This is my submission for Week 5 for the Steemit's Open Mic Songwriters Challenge led by brother @meno and @luzcypher , this challenge keeps me writing new music ,I hope I can make it through the 8 weeks!

Today's week was a bit challenging since I discarded quite a lot of raw ideas until I found something that I liked , it's still in its raw state both musically and lyrically but I think the essence is there :) .

This week's theme was ''wind swept shore'' , a very open image to explore so i think this week's entrees will be very interesting since there is a lot to explore with this theme .

I composed this little song called ''Orillas de Soledad'' that translates to ''Shores of Solitude'' , this builds on the idea of moving on to a point of no return . The character of the song keeps exploring new skies and new places ,he feels alone and tired but the wind has already wiped away the port where he came from and erased his footsteps . Even if he wanted to go back , he wouldn't know how . So he just keeps walking through the shore , longing to find another place where he belongs.

I hope you like it ! :)

Orillas de Soledad

Orillas de soledad
donde te has quedado
El cielo volvió a cambiar
Se cubre de barro

Te invita a explorar
Te alcanza la mano
Te lleva a otro lugar
Lejos de casa

Cansado de caminar
adonde iras a parar
El viento mueve el puerto
Su muelle disuelve

Tus huellas ya no se ven
No sabes por donde volver
El viento mueve el puerto
Su muelle disuelve

Arenas de soledad
donde estas pisando
El agua no va a volver
Se cubre de barro

Te invita a explorar
Te alcanza la mano
Te lleva a otro lugar
Lejos de casa

Here's a translation:

Shores Of Solitude

Shores of solitude
where you have stayed
Sky has changed again
It's covered in mud

It invites you to explore
It reaches it's hand
It takes you to another place
far away from home

Tired from walking
Where will you end up?
Wind sweeps the port
It dissolves the bay

Your footprints cannot be seen
You don't know how to go back
Wind sweeps the port
It dissolves the bay

Sands of solitude
Where you are standing on
Water will not come back
It's covered in mud

It invites you to explore
It reaches it's hand
It takes you to another place
far away from home

Thanks for reading and listening!

Signing off

Pechiche Mena

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