Steemit Open Mic week 59 - Original Song "Recuerdos de Infancia''

Hello my fellow steemit friends !

Once again i'm participating in this week's open mic , bringing my music to this platform brings is such a joy , i hope i can keep participating for a while :) . Thanks again @luzcypher and @pfunk for setting this space for us artists and music lovers.

This short song is called ''Recuerdos de Infancia'' , that translates to ''Childhood Memories'' . Basically it is a little song that I composed to recall that feeling of being a child again .

This one is a little hard to pull off just with the guitar since it has some odd meter changes , I tried to combine the 5/8 meter of a venezuelan merengue , with the 3/4 and 6/8 of the argentinian Zamba . All mixed with some more pop and jazz harmonies , i think the experiment turned out quite nice ;) .

Recuerdos de infancia
(Pechiche Mena)

Largo Camino de tierra y sal
busco un destino
un poco de paz

mi cancion
esta naciendo
en este caminar

un pequeñito cariño
del mar
donde se lavan las penas
del alma

mi canción
esta despierta
y se hecha a volar
con el viento

Llevame a lo alto
a jugar con el sol
baja una estrella
corta una flor

llevame al barco
que zarpa a la luz
a la ventana
de sueños de a dos

Deja que el ruido
te lleve a bailar
Deja al niño jugar
Deja al niño jugar.

( this is a little translation , the poem will be lost but i'll try to the get the idea of the lyrics across )

Childhood Memories

Long road of dirt and salt
I am looking for a destiny
for a little peace

My song is being born
as i walk this road

A little caress from the sea
Where the sorrows of the soul are washed away

My song has awakened
and has flown away with the wind

Take me up high to play with the sun
Take down a star , pick up a flower
Take me to the ship that sails to the light
To the window of where dreams come true for both

Let the noise invite you to dance
Let your child play again.

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