Steemit Open Mic Week 60 Original Song ''Lejos''

Hello my fellow Open mic friends!

Once again , i'm submitting another original , called ''Lejos'' , that translates to ''Far Away'' , I messed up with the camera and light position... and it was late when i realized of the poor video quality... but... oh well... it happens...

This is a little dreamy song , in 7/4 , and meter moves around... hahaha i don't know why i like to write in odd numbers , but this gives it a bit more of a ''washy'' feeling , that i think helps with the vibe of the song.

Btw , this song has some collab in the lyrics from Carla Vera , she helped me with certain sections , we have quite a number of song collaborations :)

Thanks once again to @luzcypher and @pfunk for setting this space for us , I'm always happy to share my music :)

( P.Mena/C.Vera)

Paso a paso lento
piso los recuerdos
los sueños
la ilusión
del tiempo

Para darle rienda suelta
al corazón
su calor

Tan Lejos , Tan Lejos

Una a una voy soltando
mis cadenas
a navegar
mis mares

Dejare que el viento
lleve a recorrer
el canto
de mi destino

tan lejos , tan lejos

Y al final del viaje
espero verme un dia
lejos , lejos

Cercana igual
a tu mirar

Lejos , Lejos

Brisas al pasar
te acercaran
Mi voz .

Here is a poor translation:

''Far away''
( P. Mena/ C.Vera)

Step by step , slowly
i step on my memories
my dreams
the illusion of time

To set the heart free
living in his warmth
so far way , so far away

One by one
I set free of my chains
I set sail on my own seas

I'll let the wind take me to explore
the song of my destiny
so far away, so far away

At at the end of the journey
I hope to see myself
so far way , so far away

Still close to your sight

Winds that go by
will bring you close
my voice

Thank you for listening! cheers!

Pechiche Mena

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