Steemit Open Mic Week 61 Original Song - ''Siento''

Hello my open mic friends , this is my entry for week 61 .

As always , thanks to @luzcypher and @pfunk for setting this up , this community is growing very quickly and I am happy to be participating in it.

''Siento'' That means '' I feel " .. Is a relaxing song that I composed as a way to accept when somebody is not around anymore... people come and go ... that's life.

The song just talks about accepting and enjoying your ''now'' ... and moving on.

I hope you like it :)

Pechiche Mena

Siento la vida
Que me llama
que me abraza

Siento la brisa
que respira
y me calma

Y el color de tu mirada
esos ojos que soñaban
esos ojos que una estrella
se llevó

Siento el agua
que me alivia
me levanta

Siento la arena
que como niño juega
y descansa

Y el sabor de tus palabras
que miedos me quitaban
palabras que una nube se llevó

Somos uno mas
para este sol
sol que un buen día
te llevó

Poor translation:

I feel life
life that calls me
life that hugs me

I fell breeze
breeze that breathes
and calms me

And the color of those eyes
those eyes that dreamed
those eyes that one star
took away

I feel water
that relieves me
and weeks me up

I feel sand
that plays as a child
and rests

And the taste of your words
that once took away my fears
words that a cloud
took away

We are just one more
for this sun
this sun that one day
took you away.

Thanks for reading and listening :)

Pechiche Mena

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