Steemit Open Mic Week #78 - El adiós (Original Song).

Hello Steemit!

New place, new location but I'm here with another entry for the Open Mic contest , this whole move inspired me to write this little song so it's literally only a day old, it embodies my current feelings over this whole change of place, I had some mixed feelings over the whole situation so I started sorting them out a little in the form of a song.

This song is called ''El adiós'' , translating to a plain ''Goodbye'' , it's a simple song but I just resonated with it recently. I still don't have my proper mic setup yet so I just went to a plain record on my old webcam microphone, so it is as raw as it gets!

I hope you like it!

El Adiós
Despedirse de un balcón
Despedirse de un amor
encontrarte en otros cielos
conocerte en otros puertos

Se disparan los sentidos
Se desprenden de este nido
Se levantan las preguntas
Van cayendo una por una

En donde estamos?
Adonde vamos?
Caminarás conmigo?
O sera un adios?

Hundí los dedos
en el tiempo
Perdī los miedos
en el viento

Queme las hojas
de las dudas
Lave las penas
en la lluvia

Here's a translation:


Saying goodbye to a balcony
saying goodbye to a love
finding yourself in new skies
knowing yourself in new ports

Feelings take off
They detach from this nest
Questions arise
and they fall one by one

Where are we?
Where are we going?
Will you walk with me?
Or is this a goodbye?

I sunk my fingers
inside time
and lost my fears
to the wind

I burnt the pages
of doubt
I washed my sorrows
in the rain

Thank you very much for reading and listening! As always big props to @luzcypher and @pfunk for setting this space for us! and of course @krystle , @passion-ground , @meno, @soundlegion and @verbal-d for their amazing work as judges!

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