Steemit open Mic Week 81 - ''Las cosas tienen movimiento'' ( Fito Páez ) - Cover Song.

Hello Steemit!

I managed to get an Open Mic submission for this week :) . I've been having very little time lately , with the Anfibios release concert , getting a 2nd job and such I've been going a little nuts BUT I'm not leaving the Open Mic family for sure , so I committed to recording something for this week . It's always a pleasure to share some music with all of you!

This week I'm choosing ''Las cosas tienen movimiento'' ( ''Things have movement'' ) from Fito Páez, one of my favorite songs ever. This song was made famous by Juan Carlos Baglietto but has been interpreted by many artists since then, I'm doing my little rendition borrowing some arrangements from Luis Alberto Spinetta's interpretation. Maybe my favorite Argentinian musician of all time.

I hope you like it!

Las cosas tienen movimiento.
(Fito Páez)

Muchas veces me pregunto
que estamos haciendo acá
dejo de pensar y veo que al final
siempre estarás,
siempre estarás
en mí.

He llegado a no escucharte tocar fondo
tanta inmensidad, perdidos de verdad aquí
y es que siempre estarás,
siempre estarás,
en mi.

Una voz, como un sentimiento
o una canción
algo más
que me ayude a despertar
a seguir, a no bajar la guardia
siempre a seguir
no esperes no te enseñaré a vivir.

Movimiento, las cosas tienen movimiento
la oportunidad de estar en libertad
es que siempre estarás
siempre estarás
en mi.

Como un soplo como una lluvia
como un rayo una luna
oxigenarás, mi vida hasta estallar
es que siempre estarás
siempre estarás
en mi.

Here's a translation:

Things have movement
(Fito Páez)

Many times I wonder
what are we doing here?
I stop thinking and I realize in the end
you will always , always be in me.

I've come to not hear you reach the bottom
such immensity , lost in our truth over here
because you will always , always be in me.

A voice , like a feeling
a song, or something else
that helps me wake up
to keep up , not let the guard down
to always go forward
don't wait , I won't teach you how to live.

Movement , things have movement
the opportunity to be in liberty
because you will always , always be in me.

Like a blow , like a rain
like a ray of the moon
you'll breathe into my life, until it explodes
because you will always , always be in me.

Thank you very much for reading and listening! As always big props to @luzcypher and @pfunk for setting this space for us! and of course @krystle , @passion-ground , @meno, @soundlegion and @verbal-d for their amazing work as judges!

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