Steemit Open Mic Week 84 - Momentos ( Original Song ) - Pechiche Mena.

Hello Steemit!

This week I was able to record something for the Open Mic , I haven't been able to participate week by week like before but whenever I can I will sneak one entry in :p . I'm not going anywhere !

For this week I am playing "Momentos'' a song I played in it's ''incomplete'' state for the Open Mic Songwriter's challenge some months ago , since time was an issue in that contest , most of the songs were very raw but a couple of them I kind of liked to the point that kept working on them . This was one of those cases and while noodling around it from time to time I worked it out to a more completely made song , it is still a short and simple song but I enjoy playing it :) . Next step is to get this one produced :D ! A song that was born here on Steemit !

I hope you like it!

Hay momentos
Que solos no se viven
Que se adelantan
y se nos pasan

Hay veredas
que sobre las esquinas
hoy nos cuentan
quien vino ayer

nos cuentan su pasado
De los instantes
Que vive en vano

Hay senderos
Que vemos en los sueños
Y a lo lejos
te vuelvo a ver

Bajo un cielo
de anhelos
La brisa me regala
el perfume de tu piel

Hay regalos
que vienen con un lienzo
Hay miradas
que llevan nuestros besos
Hay ventanas
que quiebran nuestras rejas
Nos viste de color

Here's a translation (this metaphors are quite hard to translate , I'll do my best):

There are moments
that can't be lived alone
that walk past us
and we miss them

There are sidewalks
that over it's corners
tell us today
who came over yesterday

that tell us their past
Of the instants
it has lived in vain

There are trails
that we see in dreams
and from far away
I see you again

Below a sky
of longing
The breeze delivers me
the perfume of your skin

There are gifts
that come with a canvas
There are looks
that carry our kisses
There are windows
that break our jails
and dress us as colors

Thank you very much for reading and listening! As always big props to @luzcypher and @pfunk for setting this space for us! and of course @krystle , @passion-ground , @meno, @soundlegion and @verbal-d for their amazing work as judges!

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