Steemit's Open Mic Songwriter's Challenge Week 7 - Right Place, Right Time - ''El faro'' Original Song.

Hello Steemit!

Week 7 and a 7th song ! The pressure of writing a song a week sure is good to try and put out as much music as possible , having said this , this quite late entry I just composed a couple of hours ago . This week's theme surely was a difficult one for me , no music really came to me until just now . I was at my usual spot in my apartment just drinking some mate and this song came in .. it's still raw but I think the essence is there and it's good enough to share it to you today :) .

This song is called ''El faro'' , that translates to ''The lighthouse'' , it's a little sad story that came to me . The character of the song is remembering an episode of where he missed an important trip but that actually saved his life . As life's sense of humor is quite interesting sometimes being in the ''wrong place'' actually is the ''right one'' .

The story is told as a metaphor of the main character staying at a lighthouse while he sees the ship in which he couldn't get on sink... I really don't know where the song came from since I usually don't write this type of things but again , that's life's ''sense of humor'' !

I hope you like it!

''El Faro"

Temprano sucedió
a solas en un faro
la muerte se escapó
Se ha ido en otro barco

La vela se voló
se entrega a la deriva
su manto los cubrió
se dieron a la orilla

La vida , un beso
Se va en un momento
Pero el tiempo no borró

Las horas de los dias
que se fueron hoy
La duda de este tiempo
Que se fue en su voz

La lluvia que se escapa
de la luz de Dios
Las sombras que descansan
viven en su sol

Here's a translation:

''The Lighthouse''
It happened very early
by myself in a lighthouse
Death has escaped
it has left in another ship

The sail has flown away
it gave in and it is adrift
It's mantle covered them
and gave in to the shore

Life is just a kiss
It's gone in a moment
But time has not erased

The hours inside days
That just left today
The doubt in this time
that has gone away with their voices

The rain that escapes
from the light of God
The shadows that now rest
in their own sun

Last but not least , a big shout out to my brother @meno and @luzcypher for putting this together , it has certainly been a wonderful experience so far!

Thanks for reading and listening!

Signing Off

Pechiche Mena

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