Steemit Open Mic Night Week 41: Sunset Didgeridoo Meditation


I really love the open mic contest and I truly feel it is one of the best projects going on Steemit. I think that it has the potential to not only be a really fun and entertaining event for Steeminas but has the potential to attract A LOT of new users.

Music is very powerful, some say it is "the language of the soul" it is also the most successful entertainment of all time. The bigger and "cooler" our music scene gets the more people of all kinds will flock here. So I am promoting it and entering the contest on a weekly basis to help further the cause. 

I hope you enjoy the powerful sounds of the Didgeridoo~*~

If you like my Steemit Cap you can find this one and a lot more of my hand painted, sustainably produced, epic Steemit fashion here. 

As always I welcome feedback/comments and appreciate your support!


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