Openmic week 96 orignal song, "With me Always"

In these times, many are wondering where is Jesus? Scripture teaches us he is near, he is our friend...He is always with us. he said...
"teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matthew 28:20 NKJV

With Me Always

Lord you promised to be with me always.
Even to the end of the world.
I trust you, adore you, know you will be,
With me each breath that I take.

Walk with me through each moment
Keep me in touch with your love.
All I want is to be close to you,
Surrounded by heavenly love.
You’ll be with me, this promise I claim
With me with me, I’ll be drenched in your grace.
With me with me, dear Lord I pray.

Send me to do your bidding
Send me wherever you will.
I share in your death, share in your life,
Obediently seeking your will.
Sit with me stand with me Lord.
Walk with me run with me Lord.
Keep me aware with your presence and care.
You are with me to the end of the world.

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