Being A Songwritter - OpenMic 37 - 7 o'clock Blues (Original)

I am a songwriter among other things. It is my preferred method of artistic expression because it is something that is difficult - something one is always perfecting. Most people know a lot of really good singers or instrumentalists - but not many know people who have experienced some success with it as a "hobby with benefits".

I know where I fit. I am not a performer - if I was a singer songwriter I would most certainly be playing any bar or club that would take me. That's not my gift. Part of being a songwriter is making songs simple in order to allow an artist a bit of leeway. Since my voice cant always hit the notes I want - I need to be incredibly instructive.

Usually it starts off with what we call a "scratch" - which is basically me playing and singing a song straight through. Then the producer and band (and me) listen to it together - we work out the key for the singer - figure out the instrumentation - and record the instrumental track.

Once the instrumental track has been recorded - the singer comes in. No major changes are made to the song after the "scratch" is made. While we might decide on a different "vibe" in terms of instrumentation or perhaps mildly adjusting the tempo - the song is sang in the same manner the singer envisioned it when he or she listens to it on their own.

I write mainly for "film and tv" - which essentially means - I am not trying to write a pop song thats going to be on the radio - its not in my DNA. Writing for "film and tv" means that you are writing a song in such a way that the company/production can take little slices of songs and use it when scenes transition - or to convey a mood. Its not a high paying gig by any means - but it certainly keeps the hobby going.

The music I produce is usually project based and instrumental. I am a member of SOCAN like every other "earning" Canadian artist but usually will negotiate a flat rate. Right now I am working on a 3 minute instrumental for a "surfing video". Its not a huge deal - but it provides me with a goal and usually leads to new relationships. I love to play - and I especially like to build layers on top of music with other instruments and voicing.

This song is one that I wrote and was kind of unsure of (like this post).. I didn't think it was done - but it sounded like a beer commercial to me. I recorded the scratch with my guitar open tuned and used a slide.. part way through I felt like stomping - on the recording we used a stomp box (an empty Rubbermaid container but don't tell anyone).. It was recorded and produced on "Music Row" in Nashville , TN. This song was signed by 2 production houses and is probably #1 somewhere in Kazakhstan. This isn't a part of my life I usually talk about so - hopefully someone enjoys this!

I'm using this example on purpose because I doubted it. Putting any more on this would have ruined it.. sometimes you just gotta go with it..

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