Open Mic Week 78, an original called 'The Used' by @rockchickjen!

I have been going through some old recordings and found a song I wrote years ago. So I decided it was time to pick up my guitar and share it with the Open Mic Community! Plus I haven't been playing my guitar as much as I should lately. It just seems so hard to do now after my fathers passing, but I know that it's just a bump I must get past. Because my passion is playing and writing music, and I know he would have wanted me to continue playing. It's funny how we can find strength through pain sometimes, and this song reflects that. I knew it years ago when I wrote the song, but had to figure it out again on my own.


I feel so dirty, I feel so cheap, try to cleanse me and set me free
So many have tried and all have failed, hope is lost, hope is lost
I pour my heart out into your hands, while time ticks by with the sands
Of an hourglass on my night stand, I'm too late, I'm too late
It never ends this fucked up fight, I sit alone on this dark night
It's pain I find in my warped mind, that makes me bleed

Smear my makeup, make me cry
Hold me up, get me high
Cut me low, so low to the ground
And here I lay until I'm found
Cuz you don't know, you don't know, no you don't know how it feels
To be used

I hate this old place and what it represents, I hate who I was who I've ended up since
The lovers at war, hear their callus screams, don't ask for the water she'll teach you to cry

Chorus x 2

Sorry for the view up my nose, but I was home alone and just used the table to steady my phone. I'm also sorry for the horrid faces I make... Haha! Gotta love the music faces! Plus it's a rainy day here and there's no reason for me to get out and about so I'm in my pj's and all natural! ;)


A huge shout out and thank you to @pfunk, @luczypher, and all the open mic judges for keeping this amazing contest going!

Thanks for looking and hope to see you again soon!
Ask me how to join the Steemit Local Music Society on Discord!


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