Steemit Openmic Semana 78- Dios Incomparable -(Cover)

Saludos amigos de Steemit y Openmic

Primeramente agradecida con Dios y con todos los que hacen posible este concurso por la oportunidad de participar nuevamente, con una canción titulada “Dios Incomparable” de Marko Barrientos.

Espero sea de su agrado. Bendiciones para todos.

//Dios de mi corazón,
en ti encontré mi salvación,
tu gloria y majestad,
quiero siempre contemplar,

Tu eres mi adoración,
y mi eterna canción,
todo mi interior,
es cautivado por tu amor,

Eres Dios eterno,
solo Tú eres bueno,
Dios incomparable,
eres Tú.
Nunca me separaré,
de tu gran amor,
eres mi Señor,
mi Salvador.//
Aleluya, Aleluya, Aleluya, Aleluya.
Eres Dios eterno,
solo Tú eres bueno,
Dios incomparable,
eres Tú.
Nunca me separaré,
de tu gran amor,
eres mi Señor,
mi Salvador

Greetings friends of Steemit and Openmic

Firstly grateful to God and to all those who make this contest possible for the opportunity to participate again, with a song entitled "Incomparable God" by Marko Barrientos.
I hope you like it. Blessings for all.

// God of my heart,
in you I found my salvation,
your glory and majesty,
I always want to contemplate,

You are my adoration,
and my eternal song,
all my interior,
is captivated by your love,

You are eternal God,
Only You are good,
God incomparable,
it's you.
I will never separate,
of your great love,
you are my Lord,
my savior.//
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
You are eternal God,
Only You are good,
God incomparable,
it's you.
I will never separate,
of your great love,
you are my Lord,
my savior


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