Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 7 - Steem - ON (Original music)

Hi @pfunk @luzcypher @meno and all the openmic team and OpenMicSongwriters, Happy New Year ... for you my song, I hope you like it.


Hoy aquí les vengo a cantar algo nuevecito y es un rap algo suave para comenzar para poder a ustedes llegar me encuentro en el lugar correcto y con ustedes me conecto con openmic y Songwriters @luzcypher @pfunk @meno

Steem-on Steem-on te lo digo
Steem-on Steem-on te repito
activate en openmic y Songwriters
es la hora y lugar correcto

Steem-on Steem-on te lo digo
Steem-on Steem-on te repito
activate en openmic y Songwriters
es la hora y lugar correcto

Yo aquí me lo estoy disfrutando
y espero tu te lo estés gozando
bien suavecito para que caigas
y aquí conmigo te distraigas
esta es la hora correcta
para el que en steemit se conecta
activa tu post ahora mismo
que este año apenas comienza

Steem-on Steem-on te lo digo
Steem-on Steem-on te repito
activate en openmic y Songwriters
es la hora y lugar correcto

Steem-on Steem-on te lo digo
Steem-on Steem-on te repito
activate en openmic y Songwriters
es la hora y lugar correcto.


Today I come here to sing something new and it's a rap something soft to start to be able to reach you I am in the right place and with you I connect with openmic and Songwriters @luzcypher @pfunk @meno

Steem-on Steem-on I'm telling you
Steem-on Steem-on I repeat you
activate in openmic and Songwriters
it's the right time and place

Steem-on Steem-on I'm telling you
Steem-on Steem-on I repeat you
activate in openmic and Songwriters
it's the right time and place

I'm enjoying it here
and I hope you're enjoying it
good soft so you fall
and here with me you get distracted
this is the correct time
for which in steemit it connects
activate your post right now
that this year is just beginning

Steem-on Steem-on I'm telling you
Steem-on Steem-on I repeat you
activate in openmic and Songwriters
it's the right time and place

Steem-on Steem-on I'm telling you
Steem-on Steem-on I repeat you
activate in openmic and Songwriters
it's the right time and place.

Contest sponsored by @meno @luzcypher

Thanks for reading my post

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