OpenMic Songwriters Challenge Week 6 - As special as can be

I really appreciate all the support and encouragement for Week 5's challenge last week, so thank you. I was pretty busy pre-christmas, but the songs I did see were amazing, you guys all really rocked the challenge, and I'm hoping to take a bit of time to properly check more of you out this week :-)

Steemit week 6 - sazzlerj.jpg

This week the theme was 'Special Delivery'. I bounced a couple of ideas around, and then I found this song (metaphorically speaking, I mean, not literally 'found', I wrote it!). My special delivery is a letter.

I felt like the whole festive season brought up a lot of stuff about family, and I would like to dedicate this song to my brother.

Ok folks, lets do this. Post post post:


Delivered at the door
Written just for you
As withdrawn as you are,
My message getting through

Can you hear the sound?
Read it aloud
It says you're special to me
As special as can be

In the sound of nothingness
I write these words to you
For the joy of all we shared
In the end, it was always there

Can you hear the sound?
Read it aloud
It says you're special to me
As special as can be

...over and out, soldiers.
Oh and it's a new year apparently! Here's to living in the future.

Sazzler J xoxo

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