Open Mic Week 91; Original Song by Shakti Sun " Ad Guray Nameh"

“When you cannot be protected, this mantra shall protect you. When things stop, and won’t move, this makes them move in your direction.” – Yogi Bhajan

Aad Guray Nameh is a very powerful mantra used for protection, to gain clarity, and to receive guidance from one’s highest Self. This mantra creates a protective field of energy around the person chanting, attracting abundance to them helping them live out their destiny.
The Mangala Charan Mantra (Aad Guray Nameh) can be chanted at any time, any place, whenever there is a need for protection. When chanted for 31 minutes, in any setting, it is a practice for covering and clearing the past, present and future.

n Gurmukhi:
Aad Guray Nameh
Jugaad Guray Nameh
Sat Guray Nameh
Siri Guru Dayvay Nameh

I bow to the Primal Wisdom.
I bow to the Wisdom through the Ages.
I bow to the True Wisdom.
I bow to the great, unseen Wisdom

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