STEEMIT OPEN MIC WEEK 79- "I'm So Tired" by The Beatles.

I'm nearing the end of my 6 month stay in India. I will be back in the U.S. in just over 2 weeks. I have to admit my feelings are a little conflicted about that.

I definitely prefer living here over all though there are some things that I am not a big fan of and some things that I miss about the U.S. (mostly family and friends). However it's been a long 6 months with a lot of learning and growing, both physically and mentally.

So with that brief introduction I present my submission for the week.

P.S. I will be sharing more about my journeys here in India and much more once I have access to a computer and whatnot. Doing everything on a shitty smart phone and spotty (at best) 3G has been a bit of a drag.

Thanks for listening and following :)

Here's a link to my intro to learn more about what my plans are for this blog.
Drifting on the breeze.
Who can say where I will land?
Will I linger here?

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