Steemit Openmic Week 92- “Buried in Images” an original song by me


This week while recording I got a bit lost in space. I think it might be the heat. Summer is definitely here in the northeast US and as usual it’s a bit slimy.

Buried in...

I wrote this tune a few weeks ago and it came out fast and smooth, which is exactly how I like my songwriting process to be. Also my bowel movements.
This song is about how so many of us spend our days lost in the past instead of being present. Changing this habit can be a really challenging process and requires years of deliberate practice and mindfulness throughout the day but the experience I am having with this process tells me that it is well worth the effort.


It also serves me as a reminder of how easy it is to lose ourselves in the sea of images presented to us by media and by each other. As an aspiring content creator myself this is something I’m a bit conflicted about. I guess I’m playing the dog that bites the hand that (perhaps one day) feeds it because I believe that consuming too much media is a bit of a problem nowadays. I guess the type of media consumed is also a big part of the problem though. Burying yourself in images of kitties pooping rainbows probably does a lot less damage mentally/emotionally/spiritually than images of exploding babies and bloodsoaked something or others.

Hopefully whatever I’m creating falls somewhere between those two and the destructive effect is a constructive deconstruction, perhaps by deconstructing the constructions constructed to obstruct ones potential. Yeah.

Here it is.

Here is a link to the version I submitted to @soundlegion’s Steemit Artists Music Compilation Volume 5 on Dsound:

(This message will now self destruct (the constructions of obstruction).)

Props and accolades to the awesome folks who bring this community into being every week. @pfunk @luzcypher @soundlegion @krystle @meno @passion-ground and @verbal-d as well as the folks at MSP-Waves Radio, Steem Monsters, and @curie, you all are awesome. Thank you.

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