STEEMIT OpenMic Week 75 ❍ |"Theme from Schindler's List" |

In this video i play the theme from the soundtrack of the movie: "Schindler's list".

Its a piece beautifully composed by the legendary John Williams and played by Ithzak Perlman, one of the greatest violinists of his time, who inspired me to play it for you.

I played this piece for the first time when i was 13 and it still has a great impact on me after all these years. There couldnt have been a better score composed for this movie. The movie is great on its own but without the score by John Williams i really doubt it would have had such a lasting impact amongst all the other great movies dealing with the tragedy of WW2.

The moment in the movie i remember the most, when you hear this theme, is when Schindler is handed the letter and a ring with the inscription:
"He who saves one life saves the world entire"

...moments before leaving his factory realizing what little a human life meant in the time of the regime. _A mere trinket on his jacket would have meant, one more. _
That scene is pure emotion. (And the way he picks up the ring, when he drops it accidentally)
Like it means the world to him.
Ugh, dont cry Marica, dont cry... 😢

..lalalalalalalalalala...On to something else i want to say... Wheres the transition button when you need it?


I have been really busy this week so i couldnt make this in time for Week 74 but i really wanted to get this out there as soon as possible and give a little shout out to the folks from the discord channel:C-m(S) aka Classical-music(Steemit) mostly posting under the #classical-music tag here on Steemit.



(Couldnt find a bigger arrow 😂)
These guys make really great stuff and really work hard, so i would like to encourage everyone to go and give them some love.
Maybe invite them to a beer and some nachos. 😂

Anyways, i hope did the theme justice.
Oh, and if you enjoy this video, and it gets a positive enough reaction i might do a series of popular themes from movies or even video games. (Some amazing stuff there as well)
Feel free to drop your suggestions in the comments and ill see you later.

Keep on Steeming! 😁
Bye bye





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