STEEMIT OPEN MIC WEEK 44 🎸 40 Hour Week Job 🎵 Original Comedy Song

Happy Monday! This comedy song is for anyone who hates their job!

Oh I've got a 40 Hour a Week Job and it feels like a handjob from sombody wearing a sandpaper glove.
Please slow down now cuz' I'm about to blow this whole 'effin place up with my sawed-off shotgun shooting at pedestrians known as my co-workers.
Oh I've got a 40 Hour a Week Job and it feels like a handjob from somebody wearing a sandpaper glove.
I'm starting to chafe, yeah I'm starting to bleed.
Oh yes I effing hate this place. Yes I'd like to be displaced.
Say yes I effing hate this, say yes I effing hate, say yes I effing hate this place.

And just for the record this is strictly a comedy song and not meant to be threatening in any way :) And I apologize for the weird sound quality, there was a buzzing noise from my refrigerator so I used a noise removal tool and then it ended up sounding a bit weird afterwards. I didn't save my editing and I don't feel like redoing it at this point. Sorry :/ haha UPDATE: Fixed it!

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