Open Mic Songwriter's Challenge Week #3 : The Bonnie Whitetail

Open Mic Songwriter's Challenge Week #3 : The Bonnie Whitetail


The theme of the week was 'stolen souls.'
This is a sea shanty from an underworld pirate ship.
It's a song from a ship that sails the ocean of the abyss.
The captain captures lost and hopeless souls in the ocean and puts them to work on the ship.
The song is a work song about the pride and direction that working on the ship has given them.

The souls were all captured, but now serve the ship willingly, as none had purpose or direction when lost in the abyss.

The crew can spot the souls through the darkness by the white tails that they have.
The Whitetail is also the name of the ship.

Full Lyrics:
She's had the helm since time began
We'll throw the whitetail line
The Bonnie Whitetail is her command
We'll throw the whitetail line
We'll serve this ship for a thousand years
that pulled us from the brine
stealing souls from down below
We'll throw the whitetail line

Pulling those out from murk
We'll throw the whitetail line
Brought on deck and put to work
We'll throw the whitetail line
We'll serve this ship for a thousand years
that pulled us from the brine
stealing souls from down below
We'll throw the whitetail line

Her orders are sweet as rum
We'll throw the whitetail line
to the hopeless lost until she come
We'll throw the whitetail line
We'll serve this ship for a thousand years
that pulled us from the brine
stealing souls from down below
We'll throw the whitetail line

Sailing over true abyss
We'll throw the whitetail line
we cast our nets and never miss
We'll throw the whitetail line
We'll serve this ship for a thousand years
until the end of time
stealing souls from down below
We'll throw the whitetail line

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