Open Mic Songwriter's Challenge Week 6 : When Animals Attack(Special Delivery)


Open Mic Songwriter's Challenge Week 6 : When Animals Attack(Special Delivery)

This song is about the day when the animals have had enough...

Full Lyrics:

You've taken the forest and you've given back misery
We're cooking you up a special kind of delivery
We'll give you a world where the humans will meet their doom

You've angered us all from Pakistan to Idaho
To tell you the truth it happened a long time ago
Today is the day that we deliver the 2 legs their doom
We are the animals!
And what you gonna cock-a-doodle do?

You've angered the bears and now they're going to maul you
You've angered the birds they'll pick you up and free fall you
You've angered the sloth although theres really nothing they can do

The spiders and snakes will infiltrate your homey homes
The beavers will make shiny dams with your boney bones
Sloths won't do shit because there's really nothing they can do
And what you gonna cock-a-doodle do?

The lions and hyenas put their differences aside
The elephants will stomp you if you dare to go outside
The hives will all unite and it will bee your doom

If you hide in the ocean, then you will feel
deliveries from the electric fucking eel
the dolphins and whales huddle round and they'll laugh at you
So what you gonna cock-a-doodle do?

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